Collection: Living with Leaves and Light

The Living with Leaves and Light (LLL) Retreat is Liv's Leave's flagship event series. This event is the meeting of Leaves and Light - the purpose of Liv's Leaves at it's essence - to bring people together to live in harmony with themselves, the plant, and each other. I offer single-day, overnight, and multi-night excursions to beautiful lodging and spaces in locations like Montana and Washington. In nature and with the aid of all kinds of herbs, we commune in community and do stimulating and healing activities such meditating, journaling, stretching, yoga, eating great food and drinking nourishing drinks, crafting flower crowns, making Herbal Tea and Smoke Blends, and a real HIGH light - the High Tea Ceremony and Ritual to top the day or weekend off. 

I host several retreats a year. I would love to plan a custom retreat for YOU - all budgets are welcome! Schedule a free 15-min consultation call to see what we can build together.

Custom request or questions? Email Liv!