Aura Reading and Healing - 1 hr
Aura Reading and Healing - 1 hr
This 1-hour session will address the key items that you would like to heal in yourself, your life, your emotions and mind. The session may use a range of healing modalities including Archangelic Light, Reiki, Healing Hands, Tarot, and Sound and Crystal Healing as well based on location, connection, and need. You will receive a reading and healing for each layer of your Aura and 7 Chakras, a Rose Reading that shows your current progress on your Spiritual Journey, and a short grounding meditation.
I often channel Spirit Guides and Loved Ones of the healee during a session. Be open to receiving love from yourself, the Universe, and your Guides. Some people experience tingles, emotions, memories, and other sensations during the healing. The session is done by video call. Energy is able to travel differently than our human bodies so virtual or in-person healings and readings both work wonderfully.