Collection: Liv's Light: Energy Healing


Welcome to Liv's Light! I am trained and certified in several modalities of Energy Healing including Sound Healing, Hypnotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and Light Work. I am an Archangelic Light Master Practitioner, a Healing Hands Practitioner, a Reiki Level 2 Practitioner, a Level 2 Sound Healer, a Hypnotherapist, and an NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Life Coach.

I use these techniques, training, and various energies along with tools such as crystals, herbs, music, sound, and Tarot and Oracle cards to facilitate healing on multiple levels of body, mind, and Spirit.


Energy Healing and Lightwork are ancient techniques that restore the balance and flow of energy throughout the physical body, emotional, and the Soul or Spirit. This nondenominational work can directly affect a client's well-being and address the physical and mental blockages that can be affecting them in ways they may not be aware of. This work can be used to facilitate healing with all types of people and animals - whether they exist in the past, present, or future.

Energy work helps YOU, the Healee, help and heal YOURSELF! This work always enables and empowers the receiver to embrace their own natural healing abilities so they may continue to heal themselves, even and especially after the session has concluded. Energy and Sound Healing can assist with many issues and challenges you or a loved one such as a pet, may be experiencing - here are some of the top items clients seek relief in:

  • Physical aches and pains - injuries, surgery recovery, aging pets 
  • Self-love and acceptance
  • Traumas and pains of the heart - grief, sadness, heartbreak
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Connection with Ancestors
  • Setting boundaries and goals
  • Couple and Group bonding and healing
  • Elderly care - humans and pets


Participants often feel tingling, tensing, release, warmth or coldness, and experience smells, sounds, or other slight or sometimes intense sensations throughout the body and mind. This can include wide-ranging thoughts, feelings and emotions. Energy work can be done both in-person and remotely, by video chat or phone call. 

During your session, I will channel Light and Energy through various points of your body as you sit or recline in a chair, on the floor - somewhere comfortable and private where will you be undisturbed. Healing Sessions can be 15 minutes to an hour-long and can be done alone, as a couple, in small to large groups, for and with pets, and customized further depending on the request and healing goal. 


  • Get comfy! Be ready to take some deep breaths and relax.  
  • Set the intention! You get out of a session what you put into it.
  • Be open to receiving! Whether you 'feel' anything or not, your body and light know what to do; there is no wrong way to receive energy healing! You CAN’T eff this up! :) 



Custom request or questions? Email Liv!